Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week #6

Our last week of blogging. Keep up the good work :)


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week #5

Blog on...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week #4

Hi class

Keep blogging...


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Keep blogging :)

Just a reminder, paste your comments to your own blog for credit.

Only those blog posts/comments active before midnight on Friday will be assigned credit. You can continue to blog over the weekends if you wish (just for fun).

Do not post anything to your blog (photos, cartoons, etc.) without a citation.



Monday, May 25, 2009

Week #2

Hi Guys/Gals

We will being using your personal blogs entirely this week. All but one student has been added to the class links on the class blog. If you want to you can add your classmates' links to your own blog for ease of replying.

In the next day or two, post a Eureka Moment to your personal blog, just like the one I did (Nature vs. Nuture) last week. Title it Week #2 Eureka Moment. Then go to your other classmates' blogs and read their Eureka Moments. Comment to these other blogs. These comments are a graded part of the course. You must respond to one classmate, but you can respond to as many blogs as you wish. Make sure that they are thoughtful responses, not just "I agree." When you are fininshed responding to a classmate, copy your comment and paste it into your own comment box in your personal blog.

Remember, we are no longer posting anything to the class blog. It was only used for the first week to get everyone accustomed to blogging. I may, however, add some comments to the class blog, so review it regularly.



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nature vs. Nurture?

Welcome to our first blog of the semester. Remember this is where we speak about any issues that we encounter that have to due with gender. You are required to set up your own personal blog this week. Begin creating a contact list of your classmates as well. Remember to always copy me on all your posts and replies so that I can monitor your contributions. So let's begin...

This past weekend I had a yard sale. Time to do my spring cleaning!! I made some interesting observations as strangers arrived at my home to browse. Many of the people brought little children with them. When the parents were looking through items and asking questions, the kids were playing with my kids' old toys that were being sold. When the parents noticed, they would comment to their children. I found some of these comments fascinating. For example, if a young girl was playing with toy cars, the parent would comment, "You don't need that." Yet minutes later they would exclaim "Look at this cute doll! Would you like to get this?" Interestingly enough, similar comments were directed at young boys. For example, "Look at the skateboard!" or "Did you see this guitar?" Why, I thought, were the boys not offered the dolls or the girls the cars?

I, myself, have three boys (ages 15, 13, and 9) and a girl (age 9). I think back to the way that I raised them when they were very small. How much did I follow society's trend?

What do you think about this? Do the toys that we play with as children have an impact upon our growth from a gender perspective? Since parents buy the toys, what about the impression that is left from their choices? How about the way that these toys are marketed to parents and children? What role does the media play in defining gender roles? Do you have children that you can personally relate this experience to? Or how about younger siblings, nieces, nephews or cousins? Take notice of the way that we react to their choices. These little people teach us a lot about the impact that we have as role models and the way we contribute to shaping society!